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Is this your first time here?
Students, Contractors, Agency, Locum and Volunteers
Existing Accounts:
- Your username looks like this 'sr12345' and was provided to you via email when you first registered with latte
- If you have forgotten your password or cannot find your username, click the 'Forgot password or username' button
- If you have an account and it has been more than 18 months since your last login, it has been suspended. Click the 'Help' button to request reactivation
New Accounts:
- Click the 'Create new account' button if this is the first time using latte
- I.T may have issued a separate username and password to access the MH computer system (i.e. s987654). This username will not give access to latte. You will need to create a new account.
- Your username i.e. sr12345 will be sent to you via email and cannot be changed. Save this email for later reference
- Make a note of your password. This isn't included in the email
- Check your spam folder if the email does not arrive
Welcome to the Learning and Teaching Technology Environment
Existing Employees:
- Your latte login details are the same as your Monash Health network login details i.e. Employee number and password
- Password unlock/reset. Contact IT if you have any issues
New Employees:
- Your latte learning account will not be activated until your payroll and IT accounts have been created. This can take up to 10 business days. Please wait until payroll and IT have completed this process before attempting to log into latte
- You must reset your temporary IT password (if not done already) before logging into latte for the first time. Contact IT if you have any issues
Students, Contractors, Agency, Locum, Volunteers:
- Click on the appropriate button to the right to access your login page
- This page has further information and troubleshooting